The 30-year-old programmer said the film-makers took liberty with the story about how and why he created Facebook.
"The reality is that writing code and building a product and then building a company actually is not a glamorous enough thing to make a movie about. If they were really making a movie (of my life), it would have been of me sitting at a computer, coding for two hours straight, which probably would have not been that good of a movie," he said.
Zuckerberg was particularly miffed by the implication that he created Facebook to attract girls. However, he has said that he was already dating his wife when he came up with the online platform.
He said the makers went out of the way to get some interesting details correct, such as the design of the office, but they missed the reasons for which he made the site.
"They just kind of made up a bunch of stuff that I found kind of hurtful," he said.
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