The company also announced a registration deadline of November 26 for developers, and said it will extend an invitation after which a developer has to submit a registration fee of $25-$200 (roughly Rs. 1,500-12,300). Google confirmed that the event will see the release of the Ara Module Developers Kit (MDK) version 0.20. Notably, the Mountain View giant released the first Project Ara Module Developers Kit (MDK) version 0.10 back in April. Eremenko revealed that the Ara team will be highlighting some of the major changes and advances in the MDK version 0.20.
He also confirmed that the latest Project Ara prototype will be demoed alongside the developer hardware. The new hardware, codenamed Spiral 2, features much less space taken up by components that hold the modules, as detailed in the video by Phonebloks. The video also shows a Project Ara prototype smartphone booting up. Seeing the video, the Ara prototype phone is seen running a dated Android version, possibly Jelly Bean (going by theme and icons).
Eremenko added, "We will highlight some ongoing module development efforts from select developers. And we will share early plans for a market pilot in 2015." How this fits alongside the January 2015 launch date for the first Project Ara phone, said to cost $50 (roughly Rs. 3,100), announced by Eremenko back in April, remains to be seen.
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